Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to get a raise from your present job

1. Do a better job than is expected of you. One and all, the experts agree that this is the prime essential to advancement. Give more and you will get more

2. Make sure you do the job your boss wants done. As the personnel manager of one large firm says: “You can do the best job in the world, but if it is not the boss wants, he will find it upsetting.”

3. Get along with your fellow workers and others with whom you come in contact. This is very important. Many times people work against themselves in terms of their personality and of course, they seldom realize that they are doing it.

4. Be sure your boss knows what you are accomplishing. Often when a fellow is not appreciated, it is simply a matter of lack of communication.

5. Be able to make decisions. This, according to the president of a job consultant firm, is a must. You’d be surprised what a rare trait this is,” he says. “Most people do just what they’re told and pass all the decisions on the next fellow.”

6. Look for responsibilities beyond your present assignment. The manager of an executive recruiting firm strongly recommends this to the young person on the way up. “A young tiger in the accounting department might say to her chief, If you need any help in the credit union plan, just let me know.” In from five to seven years, this experience predicts, she will be head of the plan.”

7. Study at night and keep well-informed. It is also wise to get involved in the community you live in. I don’t mean just joining things, but really contributing your talents to the library, the hospital, and any good fund raising project that comes along”

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