Tuesday, September 22, 2009


If you have a bit of space where you live to break ground, gardening can be an extremely cost -effective hobby and can be as good as putting money in your pocket. You have to make some up front investments - the cost of hoe or other equipment to break ground, and the time investment needed to tend to your plants - but you will earn a nice harvest at the end of the period. You will have spent a lot of time in the garden on a very frugal activity, time you might spent elsewhere engaging in an expensive hobbies. In some fruitful seasons, you will more than break even with the value of the procedure you grow, and you have the freedom to grow the foods that you like. Don't have space? Try starting a window garden or a box garden. You can grow a small amount of food in one of these in even the tightest of spaces.

You can grow your vegetables in a box garden.

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